Spring Forward With Healthy Pets!

Along with an annual exam, wellness bloodwork provides insight to what is going on inside your pet.

Testing can reveal:

  • Infection
  • Liver disease
  • Renal/kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Dehydration
  • Thyroid abnormalities

Dogs and cats over the age of 8 have the greatest benefits to receiving this bloodwork. Many times pets appear normal upon physical examination, and their abnormalities on the inside go undetected without bloodwork.

The process of disease development in pets can be slow.  When an organ system starts to fail, that organ will compensate to bring function back to normal.  Overtime, this compensation mechanism will fail as well, and the pet will become ill.  Once the pet is in organ failure, treatment options are limited and prognosis is poor.

The good news is if caught early, three out of four pets have abnormalities that can be treated!  Bloodwork is collected in the clinic and sent out to our lab.  Results come back in 1-2 business days.  During the month of April we are offering $15 off wellness bloodwork for our patients.

Set Up Appointment for Wellness Blood Work Here.

4 Ways to Keep Your Dog’s Joints Healthy

It may only be November, but the cold weather has made an early appearance this year.  With the blowing snow and frigid temperatures, it’s easy for us to fall into a routine of warming up under a blanket by the fire or reading a book with a cup of coffee.  Many times, our pets don’t want to go outside any more than we do.  When we become sedentary, it can be harsh on our joints.  This is also true for our pets.  Just like our doctor encourages us to get exercise and take vitamins, there are several things you can do to keep your pet’s joints healthy as well.

1.  Exercise.  Take advantage of those warm, sunny days when they are here by taking your dog for a short walk.  Keep your dog active

indoors with interactive games.  Try hiding treats throughout the house and encourage him to sniff out the treats.  Play fetch or tug if you have a room big enough.  Doggy daycare is another good way to get them exercise and stimulation with other dogs.

2. Synovi G4:  This is a chewable supplement filled with glucosamine, turmeric and antioxidants to help keep your pet’s joints healthy.  It’s as easy as giving him a treat!  We carry these supplements in the clinic and are easily purchased with a prescription at SDMVC.

3. Acupuncture:  This can help with a variety of health problems in pets.  Acupuncture is performed by the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate specific points on the body.  It can be very beneficial for dogs that have joint pain.  We offer acupuncture at South Des Moines Veterinary Center with Dr. Franck.

4. Therapeutics:  We have a wide variety of prescription medications that can help your dog’s joints if needed from anti-inflammatory medications to pain medications.

If you would like to discuss your pet’s joint health care, set up an appointment today! 

Lyme Disease: Is Your Dog At Risk?


Fall is the season for football, pumpkin spice lattes, sweaters, boots and ticks.

Wait, TICKS?

Yes, ticks!  Iowa provides two ideal situations for ticks: cool weather and a high deer population.

So how do you know if your pet is at risk for Lyme disease?  Here are some risk assessment questions:

  1. Have you ever found a tick on your pet? On yourself or a member of your household?
  2. Does your dog live in a suburban home next to wildlife areas?
  3. Is your dog’s yard surrounded by tall brush or grass?
  4. Does your dog go walking, hiking, picnicking, fishing or camping in wooded areas?
  5. Does your dog frequent areas with lots of deer?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, talk to your veterinarian about Lyme disease.  You can also check out this prevalence map to see what tick-borne diseases you should be concerned about in your area.


The deer tick is very hard to spot on dogs.

Lyme disease is a growing concern because the disease is increasing in number and expanding geographically.  It is a potentially serious illness transmitted to dogs by the deer tick. Symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs are:

  • Lameness
  • Not eating
  • Fever
  • Stiffness
  • Joint Pain/Swelling
  • Depression

Lyme disease in dogs is largely preventable by using a tick preventive and an annual Lyme vaccine.

Itchy Pet? We Can Help!


Has your dog or cat been itchy and uncomfortable lately?

Pets can display these symptoms any time of the year, but we tend to see an increase during this time of the year.  Thankfully, there are many things we can do as pet owners to help our pets find relief!

First things first: Are all pets in the home protected against fleas?

Even if your pets are 100% indoors, they all need to be protected.  We can carry fleas in just as easy as they can pick up fleas outdoors.  The cooler weather should not be an indicator that it’s okay to stop a preventive.  The fleas are still out in full force and ticks actually thrive in the 50-60 degree weather so tick protection is important as well during this time of the year. Click here for more info on flea and tick symptoms and preventive care.  If you see any of these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.

Allergies:  Pets can get them too. 

While humans sneeze and have a runny nose, dogs and cats express their allergies through their skin.  If you notice your pet starting to itch a little more than normal, one thing you can do at home is give him a bath.  Make sure to use cool water and an oatmeal based pet shampoo for best results.  For dogs, you can wipe off his feet with a washcloth or baby wipe after going outside to eliminate some of the pollen he picks up outside.

Still uncomfortable?

If you pet is causing open sores from scratching or unable to settle down to rest, he should see a veterinarian.  There are a wide variety of medications that a veterinarian can prescribe to provide relief for your pet.

Back To School Time: How Are Your Pets Handling It?


School has officially begun!  Whether you are pushing your kids out the front door or still wishing summer could last a little longer, the change in our schedule is inevitable.  A change in routine can cause some stress on our furry companions, so it’s our responsibility to help them adjust.  Here are a few tips to make things easier for them while they wait by the door for the family to get home!

1.  Establish Play Times.  Schedule play times before school and after school with the kids to ensure your pets are getting enough activity.  If you have a dog, plan an evening walk with the whole family.  Walks are great for both exercise and stimulation for your dog.

2. Turn On Some Tunes.  Play some slow and soothing music for your pet while you are gone.  This will take away the quiet and help them feel more at ease.

3.  Enroll In A Training Class.  When things get busy, it’s easy to get lax on the rules.  A training class is both good for our pup and us, as well.  It helps us establish boundaries with our pets and reminds them what they can and can’t do.

4. Use Adaptil (for dogs) and Feliway (for cats).  These are synthetic pheromones designed to mimic those released by a mother to her offspring to help them feel more comfortable in potential stress situations.  These products are available in diffuser form and a spray for your convenience.

5.  Purchase A New Toy For Your Pet.  Your pet deserves to be spoiled every once and a while, right?  While the kids are getting school supplies and new sneakers, pick up a new interactive toy for your pet to spice things up!  Your pet will thank you!