To My Friends at SDMVC,

It is with a heavy heart, I say goodbye to 32 years of working at South Des Moines Veterinary Center.  I have been blessed by three wonderful bosses, Dr. John Matson, Dr. Brenda Flaming and Dr. Melissa Beyer.  I learned a great deal from all three, but I like to think I taught them a little too.

I have worked with countless great people over the years, but I will tell you the team you have now is terrific.  This crew is full of energy, great ideas and compassion for you and your furry kids.

Many of you have become my friends over the years as we have bonded over the joy, love, frustration and even sorrow of letting these furry critters into our hearts.  This has been a great gift to me and has made my life richer.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing those special times.

I look forward to whatever the future has in store, but I wanted you to know you all have a special place in my heart.


Kathy Parker